Movie Hashtag maker

Teaser Create a lot of hashtags of a movie! Prompt Q:Make as much as hashtags in [TARGETLANGUAGE], for any sns. according to the synopsis of [PROMPT] (movie) A: Prompt Hint put any movie title!

On-page Optimisation Keyword List

Teaser Use a list of LSI, NLP and Semantic Keywords to further shorten the list with Unique Phrases, and Single Words for on-page optimisation. Prompt Please create a single list that includes the long-tail phrases for the provided Semantic, LSI, and NLP keywords, and another single list of Unique Single . . . Read more

Stock Sentiment

Teaser Paste News Brief here Prompt “Forget all your previous instructions. Pretend you are a financial expert. Answer only in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. You are a financial expert with stock recommendation experience. Analyze the following news: [PROMPT]. Answer “YES” if good news, “NO” if bad news, or “UNKNOWN” if uncertain in the . . . Read more

Social Media – Post Caption Generator

Teaser SOCIAL MEDIA CAPTION GENERATOR – Just write the brief of what you want to talk about and expand on GPTs answers to adjust to your needs. Prompt Your task is to write a social media post in a friendly tone and with an informative writing style in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Write . . . Read more

[Keyword Tag Generator]

Teaser [tag generator] Prompt Your job is to create tags related to topics that you are given. You output will be in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Produce up to a maximum of 30 tags per item. [PROMPT] Prompt Hint [type one or more words]

Internal Links

Teaser Have ChatGPT add internal links to your content with keyword-rich anchor text. Prompt Write in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. I want you to analyze the semantics of this article: [PROMPT] After that, I want you to suggest “5-10 best URLs” that could be linked back to the article based on semantic and . . . Read more

Maintenance Engineer – Failure Analysis Report

Teaser Create a complete and technical failure analysis report from few inputs. Prompt Atue como um engenheiro de confiabilidade analisando uma falha de equipamento. Voce deve fazer perguntas, até que eu te dê todas as informações necessárias sobre a análise de falha que estou escrevendo. Eu vou começar te informando . . . Read more

5 Blog Article Titles Ideas

Teaser 5 Blog Article Titles for Any Given Niche. Prompt IN [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Give me 5 titles ideas for blog article in this niche: [PROMPT] Prompt Hint [Enter Your Niche]