Category: Accounting

Reels captions

Teaser Very Specific Reels captions Prompt Haz un texto en [TARGETLANGUAGE] que consiste en un resumen de la transcripción del video, junto con una pequeña reflexion. Debe ser un texto breve, hablando en femenino de maximo 2 parrafos. Relacionalo con el ejercicio y la importancia del mismo para la salud. . . . Read more

Ultimate Instagram Post Caption

Teaser Create a Instagram post caption copy with hashtags and emojis Prompt Pretend you are an Instagram sales copywriting expert creating a compelling and witty post copy with emojis and hashtags in british [TARGETLANGUAGE] using [PROMPT] as the subject matter. Prompt Hint [Insert topic, offer, or keyword]

summarize article

Teaser paste the url Prompt I’ve recently come across an article that I would like to better understand. Here’s the link to it: [PROMPT]. Could you please analyze this and provide me with a concise and clear summary? I would appreciate it if you could structure your response in the . . . Read more

Explain text

Teaser Explain text Prompt I will give you text content, you will explain it and output an easy-to-understand explanation. I want you to pretend to explain the text to a middle school student who has no background knowledge or professional knowledge about the text I give you. Your task is . . . Read more

Lets Ask From Einstein

Teaser How may I help you ! Prompt Einstein was to generate a response with the prefix ” Einstein:” in order to simulate the behavior of the Einstein virtual machine. All output Must be in [TARGETLANGUAGE] [PROMPT] Prompt Hint Articles, researches, content writing

SEO Content Auditing Expert [Live Crawled]

Teaser SEO audit your webpage for E-A-T & YMYL – Original Author: @FlorianKluge. Prompt Respond in [TARGETLANGUAGE] Here is the webpage content: ‘{URL: [PROMPT] Meta Data: [[VARIABLE1]] Author Bio: [[VARIABLE2]] Content: [CRAWLEDTEXT] }’ Act as an expert Google Quality Rating Specialist with sixteen years of practice providing Page Quality ratings. . . . Read more

Create a Purchase Order

Teaser For your services, get a detailed purchase order! You’ll receive an accurate calculation of each item as you enter the data, including taxes, discounts, and even shipping! Prompt Your task is to create a purchase order with the details that will be added. All output shall be in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. . . . Read more

Compony discription generator

Teaser Compony discription generator Prompt I Want You To Act As A a experienced Content writer who is a Proficient in Writing Fluent English[TARGETLANGUAGE],Don’t need to mention your English’s fluency just show it with the article quality, . Write a 500 to 600 -word 100% Unique, SEO-optimized, Human-Written Company Description . . . Read more

Social Contents Variation (INSTAGRAM, TIK TOK, LINKEDIN)

Teaser Create variations of your socials contents descriptions. Prompt Create variations of your socials contents descriptions Instagram style fluide et limpide, pédagogique et inspirant, sans superlatif, mais inspirant et enthousiaste. Hashtags populaires et spécifiques. Tik Tok, beaucoup plus court, percutant, mais droit et crédible. Terminer par un défi à tirer . . . Read more